Tokratni gost je bil Andreas Dressler, direktor podjetja FDI Center, s sedežem v Berlinu v Nemčiji. Podjetje se ukvarja s svetovanjem podjetjem, državam, FDI agencijam, gospodarskim zonam na področju tujih neposrednih investicij. Njegovo hčerinsko podjetje Location Decisions deluje na področju izbire primernih investicijskih lokacij za tuje globalne organizacije.

Guest of honour was Andreas Dressler, Managing Director at FDI Center, headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Company is a leading advisory firm in the field of foreign direct investment. They work around the world with companies, governments, FDI agencies, economic zones and have experience in delivering investment attraction results in all major geographic regions. Their subsidiary Location Decisions is one of the only dedicated location advisory and site selection consulting firms in Europe and works with companies from all industries to identify the best locations and sites for new corporate facilities.

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