Tokratni gost je bil Alexander Horvath, podpredsednik v podjetju CSM Industry, s sedežem v Tisovcu na Slovaškem. Podjetje je proizvajalec več-namenskih teleskopskih bagerjev za obrambno industrijo. V 50-ih letih obstoja so jih naredili preko 30 tisoč in izvozili po celem svetu.

Guest of honour was Alexander Horvath, Vice-President at CSM Industry, headquartered in Tisovec, Slovakia. Company is a manufacturer of multi-purpose telescopic excavator for the defense sector. In 50 years of existence, company has produced more than 30.000 construction machines and exported them to entire world.

Screenshot 2021 09 01 at 22 42 10 Prejšnji prispevek

EU Business Talks: Nemčija

Screenshot 2021 09 27 at 20 30 45 Naslednji prispevek

EU Business Talks: Irska / Ireland