Gost poslovnega klepeta je bil Nikolas Takas, podpredsednik v podjetju Thermi Group, s sedežem v Solunu. Podjetje investira v napredne tehnologije in inovativne produkte na področju obnovljivih virov energije. Pri tem aktivno sodelujejo z domačimi in tujimi deležniki na področju raziskav in razvoja. V ta namen upravljajo s posebnim skladom tveganega kapitala, prvim in edinim na območju severne Grčije. Nikolas Takas je aktivno udeležen pri investiranju v več kot 20 start-up in MSP podjetij v dejavnostih ICT, biotehnologija, energetika in gradbeništvo. Je član izvršilnih odborov Federacije industrialcev Severne Grčije ter Gospodarske zbornice Solun.
The guest of honour was Nikolas Takas, Vice-President at Thermi Group, based in Thesalloniki, Greece. The company invests in advanced technologies and innovative products of new technologically innovative companies, in cooperation with Greek of foreign researchers. It manages the first and only Venture Capital Fund in northern Greece, that invests in renewable energy projects and small and medium innovative companies. Nikolas Takas has been actively engaged with investments in start-ups and SMEs in sectors such as ICT, Biotechnology, Energy. He’s a BoD member of the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, a BoD member of the Thessaloniki CCI and acts as the Managing Director of more than 20 companies in the energy, ICT and construction sectors.