Every 11 seconds, a ransomware attack occurs in the world, costing the global economy an estimated $20 billion in 2021, according to Cybercrime Magazine. These and similar figures highlight the need to raise awareness about cyber security and to educate so-called ethical hackers.
One of the world's most prominent organisations in this field is Hack The Box (HTB for short), which, with 1.2 million members, is the world's largest community of hacking enthusiasts. Its mission is to continuously improve the competences of cybersecurity professionals. They do this by gamifying practical challenges for budding and experienced hackers, which they publish on their platform every week.
Telprom d.o.o. has decided to bring the meetings of this large community to our part of Europe and thus also give Slovenian ethical hackers the opportunity to learn, share experiences and network. They will organise a monthly HTB web meetup and about three times a year they will also meet in person.
The first HTB meeting will take place on 16 December 2022, at 16:00, at the premises of Telprom d.o.o. in Ljubljana. The gathered hacking enthusiasts will solve 3x easy box challenges in about four hours - first on their own or in a small group, then together with ethical hacker David Kavčnik, who will add practical examples and answer any questions.
You need to register for the event via Meetup. Anyone who wants to learn or improve their hacking skills is welcome to join.
For more information, please see the event description on the Meetup platform (Hack The Box Meetup: Ljubljana, SI).