Tokratna gostja je bila Sofia Miltiadou, direktorica komerciale v podjetju Charalambides Christis s sedežem v Nikoziji na Cipru. Podjetje je največji proizvajalec na področju mlekarskih izdelkov v državi, prav tako je aktivno na področju uvoza in distribucije. Izvaža v preko 30 držav in kot tak predstavlja največjega ciprskega izvoznika na področju prehrambnih izdelkov. Dogodek je potekal 9. novembra 2021.
Guest of honour was Sofia Miltiadou, Commercial General Manager at Charalambides Christis based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Company is the largest and oldest dairy manufacturer in the country, as well as the top leader in food production, imports and distribution. The quality of Charalambides Christis is internationally recognized with the company actively exporting in more than 32 countries, making it the largest exporting company in the food industry in Cyprus. The event took place on November 9,, 2021.