Gost drugega poslovnega klepeta je bil Berislav Čižmek, ustanovitelj in direktor podjetja CBBS d.o.o. s sedežem v Zagrebu na Hrvaškem. Podjetje se ukvarja s poslovnim svetovanjem, M&A, internacionalizacijo in lobiranjem, tako na nacionalnem kot tudi na EU nivoju. Berislav Čižmek je podjetnik, akreditirani lobist pri EU parlamentu, povezovalec in predavatelj podjetništva, z več kot 25 let izkušenj pri mednarodnem poslovanju. Dogodek je potekal 13. julija 2021.
The guest of honour was Berislav Čižmek, Founder & CEO of management consulting, brokerage and EU lobbying company CBBS Ltd based in Zagreb, Croatia. The company is specialized in business transfer/M&A, internationalization of the business and lobbying at the national and EU level. They are working closely with Croatian and Central/SE European companies in the business development and strategic partnerships with different EU & international players focused on the Central and SE European Region. Berislav Čižmek is an entrepreneur, accredited lobbyist at the European Parliament, matchmaker and coach/teacher of entrepreneurship, with more than 25 years in the international business. The event took place on July 13th, 2021.