Gost je bil Braulio Quintana, operativni vodja pri podjetju Wireless Innovative MMIC (WIMMIC), s sedežem na Kanarskih otokih v Španiji. Podjetje se ukvarja z načrtovanjem RF in mikrovalovnih integriranih vezij (čipov) za področje telekomunikacij, vesolja in obrambe. Tesno sodeluje z organizacijami na področju raziskav in razvoja (R&D), evropskimi podjetji in univerzami, pri razvoju »state-of-the-art« integriranih vezij. Podjetje je do sedaj sodelovalo pri več EU podprtih projektih in je sicer del skupine Celestia Technologies Group. Braulio je diplomiral iz ekonomije in prava na Univerzi Las Palmas na Kanarskih otokih.
Guest of honour was Braulio Quintana, Operations Manager at Wireless Innovative MMIC (WIMMIC), based in the Canary Islands, Spain. WIMMIC is a fabless RF and microwave integrated circuits design house founded in 2017 with strong ties to the Academia and R&D, and part of the Celestia Technologies Group. The company performs custom chip designs for different applications such as Telecommunications, Space and Defense. Since its creation, WIMMIC has been part of several European funded projects. Therefore, they work closely with other European companies, Universities and R&D institutions in state-of-the-art designs. Braulio holds degrees in Law and Business Administration from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.